Thursday, August 27, 2009

My Rant - Don't Let the Trash Breed

Why is it that so many people who shouldn't have kids or who weren't planning on having kids get pregnant?  What really gets me is the people (trash) who do have kids and then don't take care of them, nurture them, abuse them, let them get strangled by a snake, leave them in a hot car, throw them out of a moving car, throw them on the ground, get my drift.  Hello....if you have any sense of humanity, would you please let me have your kid and take care of them for eternity.  It makes me just sick thinking about their helplessness and their terror at being treated this way.  Did you not hear your baby girl screaming when the snake started squeezing her?  Do you like to sit in a hot car and sufficate from the heat?  Do you have any consciense at all?  Those people with bad genes should not be allowed to get pregnant.  But I guess God has a plan for all of us.  And I hope that we eventually find out what that is.

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